Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Les Roses


The rose, is a song of love and happiness.
Without a word, your heart is delivered;
With a touch of it, the decoration is done;
With its fragrance, your stress is released.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Different Expressions of the Eiffel Tower

La Tour Eiffel, the symbol of "Paris", the symbol of the "Romance". It seems Paris wouldn't be "Paris" if there's not Eiffel Tower, which was built in 1889 for the World's fair. Ever after, it became one of the most famous and recognisable monuments in the world.

Even though the Eiffel tower is made of metal, it changes colors between day-time and night-time; sunny days and cloudy ones; ordinary days and special occasions. You could also see the beauty of The Eiffel Tower from the different angles as well. 

Same tower, but it presents you a brand-new appearance each and everyday!!

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Just Enjoy the Show

"i Puritani", Opera Bastille
Opera Garnier
“Alceste”, Opera Garnier

Every show is a great project. From the drama script to be on stage, there are a lot of things in the middle. The music, the light, the decoration, the costumes, the singers, dancers, actors, actresses, musicians, show director, rehearsals etc.

Every show is also a great live presentation for the audiences. It is presenting a beautiful story from life in an artistic way, by singing, dancing and etc. It is an audio-visual feast. So just enjoy the show!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

National day of France

July 14th, the National day of France. Every year, the celebration begins from the parade military on the Champs-Élysées, ends till the fireworks in the evening near the Eiffel Tower. Many other activities of celebration take place in between during the day as well.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

"Je suis plus Grande que Toi!"

Every little girl has a dream of Barbie. 
The world of Barbie is pink and sweet.
Barbie is their best friend, playing with them and  growing up with them.
"Look! Barbie, I am taller than you!"

Here is the song of Aqua, " Barbie Girl":

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Les Invalides

Wars, battles, fights and revolutions are part of the history. If you'd like to learn more about this part of history of France, the place you must visit is Les Invalides.

From the big entrance of Les Invalides, you could see heavy cannons are standing in line. They are not just for decoration, they had experienced the real battles. Now after years and years, they've been given the color of history. While the roof of Les Invalides is still shining with its golden color. It is the symbol of the victory and the peace. Les Invalides is also the tomb of the great french empire Napoleon.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

la Grande Roue

Grand Place, Lille
Place de la Concorde, Paris

The Ferris Wheel could be a city icon, a famous touristic spot like in London; or a popular place during the summer vacation and the Christmas season like in Paris.

Every year during the Christmas season, the Ferris Wheel of Paris is standing there at the Concorde Square facing biggest Christmas market on the Champs-Élysées, the Eiffel Tower is on the left and in the end it is the l'Arc de Triomphe. No wonder that you could get a splendid view from the top of the Big Wheel.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Les Ponts

Ponte Vecchio, Florence, Italy
Pont des Arts, Paris, France
The Garden Bridge, Shanghai, China
Paris, France

Dinan, France

Ponte di Rialto,Venice, Italy

Pont de Bir-Hakeim, Paris

The bridge,it is the connection, it is the way of communication and it is also a piece of art work. 

Throughout the history of human beings, transportation have been playing an important part, no wonder the bridges are one of the essential sections. Different kinds of bridges have been built by the wisdom of human beings. Nowadays we are still working on it, meanwhile admiring the legercy of our ancestors.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Shanghai, the International Metropolis

Lujiazui, Shanghai
The Bund, Shanghai

Located on mouth of the Yangze River east China, Shanghai is one of the world financial centers and one of the world's busiest transport hubs. It is also the city with the largest population in the world.

The landmark buildings of Shanghai are: The Oriental Pearl Tower, Shanghai World Financial Center, Jin Mao Tower, etc.

The best view of Shanghai is from "The Bund", where you could find the ancient Shanghai and the modern one standing along the two sides of the River. 

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Mont Saint-Michel, La Francia più bella

Mont Saint-Michel, one of the most beautiful places in France.

When Modern meets Ancient

What a good combination!  Modern sculptures have been placed in this ancient medieval city, Montepulciano. Nothing awkward, it is all about Art. Those sculptures make the city even more lively.

Do you feel the wind?
Do you feel the passion?

Friday, November 8, 2013

X'mas Season is Coming


What is the first sign of Christmas season? The Christmas trees? Decoration of lights in the streets? Promotions of Chocolate in the supermarkets?

In Paris, it is the decoration of the shopping windows of the department store Printemps who makes the first move. and those windows, designed by top brands, are really attracting eyes.

How joyful! lovely! delicate! With shining lights and lively music, they bring out a warm X'mas atmosphere.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Le Phare du Bout du Monde

Le Phare du Bout du Monde, La Rochelle

Le Phare du Bout du Monde, La Rochelle

I am wondering who hasn't ever been a fan of Jules Verne, the famous french fiction writer. His famous works such as: "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea"(Vingt mille lieues sous les mers), "Around the World in Eighty Days" (Le tour du monde en quatre-vingts jours) have been brought onto the screen,  and you could also get into Captain Nemo's submarine in Euro Disneyland.

Here is exact place in his novel "The Lighthouse at the End of the World" (Le Phare du Bout du Monde). You could see nothing beyond the lighthouse, but the endless Atlantic Ocean. When the tides go higher in the afternoon,  the lighthouse is almost soaked up inside the sea.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Just Like Boats


Saint Malo


La Rochelle

Bois Boulogne, Paris

It's a way of transportation, it's also a way of life.
Boats allow people to be free on water as on the ground.
It's a life on water with the speed, the freedom and the splendid views.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Verona - la Ville en Rose

Verona, Italy

Wall of Juliette's house

Verona, one of the most romantic cities in this world, since Shakespeare located his famous beautiful tragedy "Romeo and Juliette" there.  People relate this city with love, harmony, romantic things. Juliette's house, the balcony and her statue become must-visit spots in Verona.