Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Mid-autumn Day

The Mid-Autumn Day is on the lunar calendar Aug 15th each year, which is the holiday for some eastern countries. 

In China, it is the day for family gathering, to apperciate the moon (the brightest and the roundest of the year), the flowers and to have the moon cake. It would be a little sad if you are alone and far away from your family. However, the moon connects gets you closer with them.

Through out the history of Chinese literature, many poets had wrote about the day and the moon. 
Some famous lines are as follows:

“但愿人长久,长里共婵娟。”  - 苏轼 《水调歌头》
“海上生明月,天涯共此时。” - 张九龄《望月怀远》 

Here I took a photo of the "roundest" moon from Paris, and made a painting of flowers to wish all my family and friends a happy Mid-Autumn day. Miss you all.