Sunday, October 6, 2013

Georges Braque's great works

The Estaque(Internet image)
The Estaque(Internet image)

The Estaque(Internet image)

It was really worth making a long queue for the expo of Georges Braque in front of the Grand Palais during such a cold evening of October in Paris.

Georges Braque made a great contribution to the abstract arts, especially in the domain of Cubisme. No wonder that he was a good friend of Picasso. All those colors are well combined in each of his paitings, which set free your imagination.

Among all his works, I do adore his early ones, as I am a big fan of Impressionism. Those early works are about countryside, port, boat with vivid colors. The color black is seldomly used, even for the shadows. Instead, there are dark green, dark blue or mixed several colors. Colors do make the paitings so lively and cheerful! Here are my favorite ones.

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