Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Little Tuscan Town - Pienza

Pienza is a nice little town in the region Toscana, which is famous for its landscape. Standing on the old wall of the city, all you could see is the beautiful land and fields.

Piazza Pio II
Within minutes of walk, you are in the center square, called Piazza Pio II. The square was one of the examples of urban planning, built by the architect Bernardino Rossellino at the request of Pope Pius II. Around it are the town hall, cathedral, Piccolomini palace,etc.

There is a nice sculpture in front of the town hall. I bet people here they love horses. The tradition of horse-racing has been held every year in Siena, which is the capital city of the province.

It was pleasant to walk in this little town. Forgot to mention, later on, I found two nice roads. One is called "VIA DEL BACIO"(Road of KISS), the other is called "VIA DELL'AMORE"(Road of LOVE). How romantic! And both of them are leading to the magnificent view of Toscana.

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